Highlights of some of my projects, mostly done during my undergrad. For a complete list of my projects, please visit my GitHub
Ray Tracing
August 2022
Deep Dive into the 3D world with RTX-ON
Implemented a ray tracing pipeline from scratch. Phong Lighting Model and Recursive Relfection is used for proper lighting and ray tracing.
🏷️ Computer Graphics
August 2022
A tech interview preparation platform
IntDesk is an all-in-one tech interview preperation platform. Here the users can not only solve problems that are asked in interviews of different software companies, but also can take assessments and earn different badges to showcase their skills. They can also discuss about interview problems and many more topics!
🏷️ Full Stack Software Development
Django REST Framework
SRED & ESRED : Active Queue Management
April 2022
Active Queue Management in ns3
Implemented Stabilized RED (SRED)
Algorithm in ns3. Like RED (Random Early Detection)
, SRED pre-emptively discards packets with a load-dependent probability when a buffer in a router in the Internet or an Intranet seem congested.
Also implemented an extended custom version of mine where timestamp of the incoming packets is also considered in our algorithm and the probability to overwrite is adjusted accordingly. This is called here Extended Stabilized RED
or ESRED in short. The performance was better than its SRED counterpart.
🏷️ Network Simulator
Paper Implementation
April 2022
A platform where you can find all the latest tech deals and offers
Designed the system ground-up by building BPMN
, Class and ER Diagram
, Collaboration Diagram
, Sequence Diagram
and Mock UI
. Also implemented a demo module.
🏷️ System Design
Xv6 Memory Management
March 2022
Memory Management using Paging Framework for Xv6 Operating System
Xv6 OS doesn’t support paging framework for memory management. Implemented the paging framework as part of Operating System course.
🏷️ Operating System
Genetic Wordle
March 2022
A Generic Wordle Solver
Using Genetic Algorithm to solve wordle like games for any length of words.
🏷️ Genetic Algorithm
Yet Another C Compiler
March 2021
A subset C Compiler
Made using flex
, bison
and a lot of patience. A lot of compiler code optimization is also implemented. The code is accompanied with some tips and tricks, and a small tutorial.
🏷️ Flex
Compiler Design
Feb. 2021
Notification for Moodle
Moodle doesn’t come with built-in notification system. So I created one, synced with a discord bot. This helped my fellow university students to get quick notification from Moodle
🏷️ Python
Discord API
Graph API
Dec. 2020
Created a hotel booking platform using Oracle Database and Django framework.
🏷️ Web Development
Oracle Database
T‑Rex On Mars
Aug. 2020
Recreated the old classic game T‑Rex from scratch using Unity
🏷️ Unity Game Engine
Fourier Art
Mar. 2020
Implemented Discrete Fourier Transform to draw art shape
🏷️ Fourier Transform
Route de Dhaka
Nov. 2019
- Implemented custom modified Dijkstra algorithm to solve a transportation problem in Dhaka . Datasets contained detailed roads, metro-routes and bus-routes of Dhaka city
- Focused on the speed and efficiency of the algorithm. Easy and fast data extraction merged with the most efficient algorithm resulted in high speed output
Finalist @CodeSamurai 2019
🏷️ Open Street Map
Keyhole Markup Language
Durbeen : The Dawn of Programming
Nov. 2019
- Created a Learning Tool for Programming in my mother language Bangla for Kids
- Implemented an interactive process similar to Scratch for easy learning
🏷️ Java
ChatBot with Emotion
Nov. 2019
Created a chatbot that is able to process natural language texts. It also captures user photos and uses Face API from Microsoft Azure to analyze facial expressions to detect the mood of the user. Based on the mood, it recommends specific genres of songs or videos to the user using YouTube API. It also suggests songs based on the lyrics of the song described by the user. The lyrics are crawled from a specific website using BeautifulSoup. All this before the era of ChatGPT :-)
2nd prize in Cloud Computing @ BUET CSE Fest Hackathon 2019
🏷️ Microsoft Azure
Natural Language Processing
Face API
YouTube API
Game Of Pawns
Nov. 2019
- Implemented multiplayer , single player and blitz mode chess using iGraphics Library
- Implemented a custom mini chess algorithm for the single player mode