CODESAMURAI 2019 Dhaka University

First ever hackathon for us . Ended up becoming runners-up . What an experience it was !


One of the best organized events I have attended to this date ! Choked at the final presentation after being shorlisted :( “

When the date for this was announced , our term finals of L2T1 was just about to start and this Hackathon was just one day before the Math exam . I was looking forward to this one as this was arranged by the Japan based Company BJIT . I persuaded Najib and Apurba to take their math prep before the term finals :p and this is how our jouney started here . Because of a very unfortunate event , later , our term final was delayed for months .

This one was held in the DU CSE Department . I must say I’ve been to lots of places before but never have I faced this much hospitality . Throughout the 2 days there was not a moment when we were even close to feeling hungry . From breakfast to lunch to dinner , the arrangement was top-notch . We even had a buffet for the dinner :p And the volunteers were too good . All in all , one of the best organized events I have attended to this date !

In this Hackathon we had to make a routing solution given different scenarios . There were 6 tasks with varying difficulty . Within 2 days we were successful in completing 5 of them . In the 2nd day , first phase of judgement started in the morning . From that , Top 10 teams were shortlisted for another final judgement . Alhamdulillah , we were shortlisted . But , now we were told that we have to give a presentation in front of all the judges (most of them were Japanese) . We started to panic as neither of us had any prior experience in things like this and talking about our solution in front of the Japanese Engineers seemed to be a quite daunting task . And to make it worse , we were the first team to be called upon :) To put in one word , what happened later was nothing short of disaster . We choked and couldn’t present half of our solutions properly from the nervousness , missed to point out a very important thing we did for Task 5 . After all of the teams had completed , we realized that we just lost our place in the podium by screwing our presentation :(

All in all , it was a great learning experience for us !