BUET CSE Fest Hackathon 2019

First ever hackathon for us . Ended up becoming runners-up . What an experience it was !


We were still the juniormost batch then . Our CSE ‘14 was arranging a Grand CSE Fest and this was the first time this kind of inter university hackathon was happening . But the topics of the hackathon were not our forte . But we still thought about giving it a go . And boy ! we never regret that . Me , alongside with Najib and Apurba formed a team . When we were thinking of a team name we ended up giving the name “Team KichuPariNa” since we really had little idea :p

When we first saw the problem set , we barely had any idea how to solve that :3 One thing I forgot to mention :p We had our Networking Offline submission that weekend and that was the toughest offline to that time and we all were struggling a bit to debug our code . Besides coding for our Hackathon we also were multi tasking to debug our Offline :p Later in the afternoon we found the deadline was extended and we could finally concentrate fully on our Hackathon :p

We were basically asked to make a chatbot which could do some given tasks and it was supposed to be integrated to a website . As said before , we had really little idea about all the stuffs . We needed Django to make the website and for verification process but no one among us knew Django then . So , Apurba and I decided to start learning Django within that night and Najib decided to look into Microsoft Azure Cognitive services for APIs we could use in our chatbot . The wind chilled night was getting dark but we were getting nowhere with our chatbot . Despite having unlimited coffee supply at the night , we were half asleep half coding the whole night :3 Somewhere around 6 in the morning we had a Eureka moment :D And from that , the last 7-8 hours were gone in no time . We just barely finished minutes before the deadline :p We still were doubting ourselves as we thought other teams had done better than us as almost all of the other teams were of seniors . Anyway , the judgement marked an end to the 36 hour long Hackathon . We still had no idea how other teams had done but the judges were happy with us and also appreciated our efforts . Later we found out the result and guess what ! we became the runners-up :D

This Hackathon was one of the most amazing competitions I have been part of to this date . From playing games with teachers at the night to sipping unlimited coffees and finally ended up receiving the prize from Papon Sir ( Apurba was back in Naogaon that time :( ) . All in all , that was one heck of an experince !