Single Source Shortest Path : A Deep Dive
The Problem
Given a source in a graph you have to find the shortest path to all other nodes .
The Existence of Shortest Path
The shortest path exists when there is no negative weight cycle . This is pretty much intuitive . Whenever there is a negative weight cycle we can traverse that cycle and our shortest path will decrease . We can do that infinite amount of times .
Thus leads to having no shortest path .
If we were to solve this by bruteforce , we can use BFS for every possible path to a node and take the shortest one .
Complexity : O( number of paths * (E + V) )
Now , the number of paths can be exponential . So , we can not solve this problem efficiently
Bellman Ford Algorithm
Bellman and Ford were the first few persons to tackle this problem . The Algorithm uses 2 simple facts :
- The shortest path is always a simple path
- The shortest simple path to any node contains at most
nodes connected byn-1
Using these 2 simple facts they devised the algorithm . The pseudocode is as folows :
1 | for iteration 1 to n-1: |
Now , what is this edge relaxation and why are we doing this relaxation n-1
times ? Let’s see why
Edge Relaxation
The main operation for all shortest path finding algorithms is this edge relaxation process . The main idea is , if in the current stage of the algorithm we have the opportunity to shorten the shortest path to a node , we do that .
1 | relax(u,v) : |
Now , why are we doing this n-1
times for each edge ?
After we relax an edge the shortest path to that vertex is length of the shortest path of the vertex that relaxed the edge + 1
. Let’s see a simple example for better understanding :
If we were to simulate Bellman Ford Algorithm on this graph ,
Iteration 1
We relaxed s -> a
and s -> c
. Our shortest path to a
and c
increased to 1 .
Iteration 2
We relaxed a -> b
. So shortest path to b
is now 2
Iteration 3
We can further relax b -> c
. Now the shortes path to c
increased to 3
Now , we can clearly see why are doing the iteration n-1
times . For a shortest path to exist to any node it can not have a path containing more than n-1
edges .
We can clearly see fro the simulation , after ith
iteration we get the shortest path with atmost i
edges . That’s why we are doing this relaxation step n-1
times .
Complexity Analysis
Complexity is pretty much straighforward : O( V * E )
Worst Case Behaviour
Edges are in the list in worst order3 -> 4
, 2 -> 3
, 1 -> 2
, 0 -> 1
Can you think of any way to optimize Bellman Ford’s Algorithm ?
Optimization Idea 1
If during the current step no edge is relaxed , then we have found the shortest path to all the nodes as in the next iteration nothing will improve as there simply is no candidate to improve .
So , if no relaxation is made we can terminate . The worst case complexity remains same .
Optimization Idea 2
I think you have already noticed in that small simulation we are not relaxing all the edges in the current iteration . So , if we were able to keep track of the elements that are potential candidate to improve their neighbors we are in luck of optimizing the algorithm . We can modify the Bellman Ford Algorithm using a queue to do that . It is more like a modified BFS . We will also use adjacency list representation to improve the runtime .
Types of graphs where Bellman Ford gives correct result
Given that a shortest path exist , Bellman Ford always gives the correct result . It is one of it’s advantage .
Dijkstra’s Algorithm
Unlike Belman Ford’s SSSP Algo Dijkstra’s SSSP Algorithm doesn’t work on graphs with negative edge weights . Apart from that Dijkstra’s Algorithm is much faster in graphs in most real life scenerio where weights are usually distance or time .
The Algorithm uses a simple greedy apraoch . The idea is as follows :
- maintain a set of nodes where the algorithm has already determined the shortest path
- from the explored set of nodes find the one with minimum distance, relax adjacent edges
The pseudocode is as follows :
1 | for i 1 to number_of_nodes : |
Complexity Analysis
Original Dijkstra Implementaion : O(V^2)
Uses Array as the data structure .
- Initialize distances :
- Populate Data Structure :
- Extract Min : for each node
. Across all nodesO(V^2)
- Adjacency list update : across all nodes atmost E updates , Each update is
. So , Across all nodesO(E)
So , overall complexity : O(V^2)
Efficient Dijkstra Implementaion : O(ElogV)
Uses Binary Heap as the data structure .
- Initialize distances :
- Populate Data Structure : Build Heap
- Extract Min : Find min
and Delete Min (heapify)O(logV)
. So for each nodeO(logV)
and Across all nodesO(VlogV)
- Adjacency list update : across all nodes atmost E decrease key updates , Each update is
. So , Across all nodesO(ElogV)
So , complexity : O( VlogV + ElogV )
= O(ElogV)
Most Efficient Dijkstra Implementaion : O(VlogV)
Uses Fibonacci Heap as the data structure .
- Initialize distances :
- Populate Data Structure : Build Heap
- Extract Min : Find min
and Delete MinO(logV)
. So for each nodeO(logV)
and Across all nodesO(VlogV)
- Adjacency list update : across all nodes atmost E decrease key updates , Each update is
. So , Across all nodesO(E)
So , complexity : O( VlogV + E)
= O(VlogV)
Initialize | Populate | Extract Min | Adjacency List Update | Total Complexity | |
Array | O(V) |
O(V) |
O(V^2) |
O(E) |
O(V^2) |
Binary Heap | O(V) |
O(V) |
O(VlogV) |
O(ElogV) |
O(ElogV) |
Fibonacci Heap | O(V) |
O(V) |
O(VlogV) |
O(E) |
O(VlogV) |
Dijkstra’s Algorithm can fail on graphs with negative weights . Because of the greedy approach we take , whenever we are done processing a node by extracting , we have found the optimal subpath for that node . But if a graph has negative weights , latter is not true .
Here is an example :
Try simulating to see why Dijkstra fails in this case and also for which vertex .
Modified Dijkstra’s Algorithm
Modified Dijkstra’s Algorithm does not works on negative weighted graph .
The idea is as follows :
- Instead of pre populating the heap , we start from source and each time take the one with minimum distance
- Relax the adjacent edges of the chosen node and if the edge is able to minimize the distance we again insert the minimized node .
The pseudocode is as follows :
1 | for i 1 to number_of_nodes : |
In the implementation , we use a trick called Lazy Update . We leave the outdated bigger valued weights in the Heap as it is instead of deleting it . As the next time we encounter this node we will surely meet the one with the smaller weight first
Complexity Analysis
For non negative weighted graph , the complexity is the same as the original Dijkstra .
As for the graphs with negative weights . It is tough to assign a proper upperbound as it is possible to design graphs with exponential number of operations .
Special Graphs | Already Known Algorithms
Unit Edged Graph
A simple BFS is sufficient
Can you see why ?
If all edges have weight 1 , it is easy to see that shortest path is nothing but the level of the node
The tree can be weighted/unweughted . A simple BFS/DFS is sufficient .
Can you see why ?
In a tree , there is only one path from one node to another . So , the distance from the source is indeed the shortest distance .
DAG (Directed Acyclic Graph)
If you noticed the 2nd Bellman Ford Optimization , we can reduce the complexity of the shortest path algorithm by cleverly choosing edges to update .
For a DAG , if we find the topsort order and process the edge relaxation in that order , we will always go in the optimized direction as topsort guarantees that .
The pseudocode is as follows :
1 | order = Topsort(graph) |
Works on negative edge weighted graph also .
Topsort : O(V+E)
Edge Relaxation in Topsort Order : O(E)
So , Complexity : O(V+E)