Max Flow : A Deep Dive
The Actual Problem
Given a flow network , find a feasible flow through the flow network that obtains the maximum possible flow rate .
In plain language , you are given a source and a sink in a flow network . You have to maximize the flow from source to sink .
Dumbest thing to do
Well , if you are like me the first solution that can come to your mind is something like this :
1 | while there exists a path in the graph with bottlneck capacity > 0 : |
Now , will it work ?
Okay , let’s try first atleast to see if it works . Here is an example graph :
What would you do if you were to solve greedily ?
- You would find an arbitrary path that can go from
- Find the bottleneck value of this path and add to the flow . ( Not to mention that it has to be positive to add to the maximum flow )
But . look at this .
Imagine being a dumb guy like me and taking the blue path as your first path . You are screwed .You can’t find anymore path with a bottlencek value > 0 . So you end up having Max Flow = 3 .
But if you were to take a different path you will be able to find larger answer than your current one . Here is an example of this case :
Here Max Flow = 5 . If you were to try out a few more possible order , you will see that this eventually is the maximum possible value .
So , The answer is NO . You can not greedily solve the Maximum Flow Problem .
Although that’s the intuitive thing to do , this greedy approach will fail miserably .
So how do you solve ?
Now that we know we are really dumb to solve this problem . Let’s see how people over the past half century has solved this particular problem so that we can get an intuition for it .
The first persons to solve this problem is Ford ( not the guy who makes cars :p ) and Fulkerson . They came up with the concept of residual graph and basically did the greedy approach on that graph . The trick lies on how we create the residual graph .
Later Edmonds and Karp came up with a specialization of Ford-Fulkerson Algorithm by finding the augmenting paths needed in the Ford-Fulkerson Algorithm using BFS .
And later Dinic came up with a blocking flow algorithm ….
Ford Fulkerson Method (Not Algorithm)
In plain language , the algorithm is as follows :
1 | while there exists a path in the residual graph with bottlneck capacity > 0 : |
The reason why this is called method and not algorithm is that they did’t exactly specify how to find the augmenting paths :angry: ( aka the paths with bottleneck capacity > 0 )
Now , why does our dumb algorithm works when we apply that on Residual Graph and what the heck is even this residual graph ?
To answer that , we need to
- First , go again to our dumb algorithm and see exactly what went wrong and was there a way to correct our dumb move . After all we learn from our mistakes : )
- Second , build an intuition for why Residual Graph is build the way it is build .
First let’s start with the definition of Residual Graph ( to see why that does not initially makes a lot of sense )
We build the Residual Graph in such a way that :
- If the edge belongs to the original graph (there is an edge
), we replace their value with their current capacity i.eResidual Capacity(u,v) = Total Capacity(u,v) - Flow(u,v)
( So far so good , this step seems to be the intuitive thing to do ) - If the edge doesn’t belong to the original graph (there is no edge
) , we create an edge with the value equals to the flow in the opposite direction i.eResidual Capacity(u,v) = - Flow(v,u)
The last step doesn’t seem so intuitive . After all why would we add an edge that is not present in the original graph ? TO get an intuition for why we do that . Let’s answer a simple question :
1 | Can reducing the flow in a network cause the overall flow to increase ? |
The answer is quite counter intuitively YES .
The example graph is the same as the one prviously discussed . And in the same way , being a dumb guy like me you have made your first move wrong and currently screwed . What operation can you possibly do to unscrew ( I’m not sure if that is even a valid word :v ) yourself ?
If there was some way to go from b
to a
you can get another flow with value 2
using the path s
-> b
-> a
-> t
Imagine pushing an imaginary flow value of 2
to the opposite direction of edge a
-> b
. This negative flow will enduce a path s
-> b
-> a
-> t
. Although realistically there is no edge b
-> a
but adding an edge in the opposite direction is equivalent to reducing the flow through a
-> b
. This is what we did :
Thus , reducing the a
-> b
flow from 3 to 1 . We have indeed increased the maximum flow .
So , YES . Reducing the flow in a network can cause the overall flow to increase !
Hope you had your Eureka Moment after reading this far !
And in case you haven’t , the reason why we create the virtual edge in the opposite direction in the residual graph is that even if we have not taken the paths in proper order , we still have the option to reduce the flow by the virtual edge . That’s why we create the graph in this way
O(E * F)
Ford Fulkerson Method doesn’t specify the method for finding augmenting paths . It can be done using BFS / DFS . Both has complexity O( E + V )
, here O(E)
. And if all the flows are integers , then at the worst case for each augmenting path the flow of the network increases by at least 1
. So , complexity is O(E * F)
where F is the maximal flow of the network .
In case of rational capacities, the algorithm will also terminate, but the complexity is not bounded. In case of irrational capacities, the algorithm might never terminate , and might not even converge to the maximal flow.