LightOj 1428 (Melody Comparison)
#lightoj #cp #problem_solving #string #suffix_array #kmp #binary_search
- First , think an easier version of this problem . How many distinct substrings are possible of a string S ?
Let’s solve an easier version of this easy problem . How many substrings are possible of a string S ?
For any p[i]
i.e for any suffix , the number of possible substrings are (S.size() - p[i])
Then the ending position for possible substrings starts from p[i]
and ends at S.size() - 1
(0 based indexing) . Hence the number of possible substrings are (S.size() - p[i])
Now , how many of them are distinct ?
We need to look into the LCP array for that . When we know LCP(i)
, we know the length of Longest Common Prefix of suffix i
and suffix i-1
Now , the ending position for possible substrings starts from p[i] + LCP(i)
and ends at S.size() - 1
(0 based indexing)
Why p[i] + LCP(i)
Because in the
th suffix we have already considered the substrings that start fromp[i]
,p[i] + 1
, … ,p[i] + LCP(i) - 1
Now that we have solved all the easier versions . Let’s solve our problem :D
How many among the distinct substrings doesn’t contain another string as a substring ?
Let’s call this other string SUB
What’s the thing that will change in our substring count ?
For any suffix , the ending position for possible substrings still starts from
p[i] + LCP(i)
. But this time we can’t end atS.size()-1
as that could lead to have substring having the stringSUB
. So , we need to find the new ending positions .
For this part we need to know the positions where our string SUB
appears in our string S
. We can use KMP for that . Also we can b_inary search on suffix array_ for that .
Anyway , now that you know where our string SUB
occurs , you know that then ending position for that values will be p[i] + SUB.size() - 1
. As , if we go one more we would have considered the string SUB
Now , we can solve for the rest of the positions easily .
Let’s see an example for this case.
Let , S = abacdaba
& SUB = aba
occurs in position 0 and 5 . What are the ending positions of 0 and 5 ?
For , 0 it is 0+2 = 2 . We can not end anywhere starting from 2 and beyond . So , we can make a
but not aba
So , the ending positions become ,
For other positions ?
Why ?
Well , figure that out yourself :p It’s really easy to see why
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