Creating your first website using Hugo & GitHub Pages

While creating a website from scratch and deploying it can seem daunting at the first glance , using the help of frameworks like Hugo you can build your static websites for your personal use / blog / portfolio and deploy it using GitHub Pages . Making websites is fun again !

Here , I will give a step by step process to build your website and to deploy it . Bear with me till the end :p

Step 1 : Download Hugo

I will be showing the process for Windows . If you are a Linux / macOS user the process is pretty much same .
Download the latest 32 bit / 64 bit version according to your system from here
Create directory Hugo\bin in any of your disk and extract your download in this path . Add this path in your PATH VARIABLE so that you can access Hugo commands from your terminal later . If you are not familiar with adding path variable , don’t worry . Check it from here .

Step 2 : Creating your new site

Open Command Prompt and go to your directory using cd command . Type hugo new site YOUR_SITE_NAME

Step 3 : Download your theme

Go here . Find a theme according to your preference . This will make your life easy to get your website up and running in no time . Download your theme and extract your theme in the \theme directory that has been created in step 2 .

Step 4 : Learn Markdown

Don’t worry if you have no idea what markdown is . Markdown is a lightweight markup language which won’t take more than 5 minutes to learn . Here’s basic syntax and here’s a cheat sheet

Step 5 : Test your site

Almost all theme comes with a \exampleSite directory in themes . Replace the \content , \static , config.toml in your actual site directory with the ones in exampleSite .
Run hugo server command from your terminal . And you will find a localhost link . Hopefully you will be able to see your website :D
All of the themes comes with a ReadMe in their GitHub Repo . Read them to learn about how to modify and tweak your theme and create your content .

Step 6 : Deploy your site

Now that you have created your site . It’s time for you to deploy and let the world know about your next big thing :p
Make a public repository and clone that repository locally . Now go to your site and type hugo in command prompt . This will create a \public directory in your site folder . Now copy all the contents from your directory to the repository you created in this step .
Commit your changes and go to GitHub . Go to repository settings and scroll down to GitHub Pages .
Hopefully you will find the link where your website is deployed .

Now that you know how to create and deploy your site , the opportunities are endless !